Landguet Ried, Center for mindful living | Retreatzentrum & Seminarhaus

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Richard Davidson

Richard Davidson visited Landguet Ried for a full day conference on “The Science of Mindfulness” on April 10, 2018. Richie kicked off the day with a key note speech on the latest findings of the Center for Healthy Minds, that he founded and currently directs in Madison, Wisconsin, US.

Various panel discussions on Mindfulness in Education, Mindfulness in Health and Society, Mindfulness in Organizations unfolded during the day, attended by renown scientists and practitioners of each field, such us Jean Gérard Bloch, Maria Kluge, Diego Hangartner, Olga Klimecki, Andreas de Bruin, Liane Stephan, Romeo Ruh, Angelika von der Assen, Yves Lebihan and others.

Over 180 participants gathered for an exciting day together to learn, exchange and share their experiences and expertise of how they are already implementing mindfulness practice in their own fields, from health to education and business. 

The conference experience was enhanced by great food, good humor and a felt sense of gratitude and appreciation to so many friends that made the event possible!


The event and the keynote speaker were featured in various media in Switzerland. Below are the most compelling ones:


Landguet Ried served as the stage and backdrop for the filming of the SRF programme Sternstunde Philosophie, featuring Richard Davidson that was broadcast on April 22, 2018 and be viewed here:

Der Bund 

Richard Davdison was interviewed in exclusivity by Stefan Morgenthaler of the Swiss newspaper, Der Bund, in an interview named “Meditate should become as normal as brushing one’s teeth”