ICSB Zimmeranfrage
Arrival date for your training
Please select the arrival date for your training course here. If you would like to book several dates, please enter the arrival date for your first training here. Enter the subsequent dates in the "Remarks and other" field at the end of this page.
Departure date
Please select the departure date for your training course here. If you would like to book several dates, please enter the departure date for your first training here. Enter the subsequent dates in the "Remarks and other" field at the end of this page.
Select accommodation (incl. full board & seminar flat rate)
The collaboration with the ICSB includes accommodation and meals and is a package deal. Prices for the ICSB include a seminar flat rate of CHF 15 per day/person, which contributes to the use of the seminar room and energy consumption, as well as the corresponding material, such as blankets, meditation cushions, sitting pads, chairs, mattresses, etc..
Please choose your preferred standard of accommodation. (Please note that prices are for 2023 and may change for trainings in 2024).
Full board in dormitory room à CHF 100 per night
Full board in a standard triple room à CHF 120.– per night
Full board in a standard double room à CHF 125.– per night
No accommodation, I am a day guest à CHF 60.– per day (only for Baby Course, BG2 and KT-Exams [CHF 30.–] or by individual arrangement with the trainer)
I would like to enquire about other room options, upgrades, camping etc. or preference of room sharing. Please see my request in the message box
Message regarding accommodation
Here you can write us your request for other room options, upgrades, camping etc. and if you want to share the room with specific people.
Dietary restrictions
Our cuisine is vegetarian and mainly organic. We are open to dietary restrictions and can create menus on request according to the following needs. Please select what applies to you. Selection of several possible.
Gluten free
Lactose free
Address to
First name
Last name
Date of birth
We require your date of birth for the registration form of the Office of Tourism
Adresszeile 1
Adresszeile 2
Remarks and other
We do not pass on your personal data to third parties. Thank you for your trust.
The privacy policy applies
I accept the General Terms & Conditions
Cancellation fees for overnight and day guests
Up to 8 days before arrival CHF 50 handling fee per training course
from 7 days before arrival 50% of the booked service per training course
from 2 days before arrival 100% of the booked service per training course
The costs are incurred in any case, including in the event of cancellation by the organiser. We recommend that you have cancellation insurance.
I accept the cancellation fees