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FREE WEBINAR with Joe Loizzo and Diego Hangartner

  • Landguet Ried, Center for mindful living 10 Hilfligweg Niederwangen bei Bern, BE, 3172 Switzerland (Karte)

Introducing the Nalanda Contemplative Psychotherapy Programme, in collaboration with Landguet Ried:

Mindfulness and Embodiment Years starting in Fall 2023

A conversation with Joe Loizzo and Diego Hangartner

Joe Loizzo, Co-Founder and Director of the US-based Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science and Diego Hangartner, Swiss-based scientist and Buddhist scholar, founder of the Mental Balance Programme will hold a conversation and introduce the Nalanda Contemplative Psychotherapy program, being offered in Switzerland in collaboration with Landguet Ried.

The programme is a 3-year training that consists of three distinct modules: mindfulness, compassion and embodiment. In Fall 2023, we will kick off a new cohort with a Mindfulness year and will complete the 3-year programme with the Embodiment year.

This certifying training is delivered both online and onsite, and integrates contemplative practices and Buddhist psychology with contemporary psychotherapy, and current findings in neuropsychology.

Come and join us for this free webinar and ask questions directly to the teachers!