General Terms and Conditions

As of February 28, 2025


1. Contractual partners
Landguet Ried Foundation (landlord)
Group organiser (tenant) and seminar participants

2. Prices
All prices are in Swiss francs (CHF) including the currently applicable VAT rate.

See on our website under "Prices & Conditions"

Please note that all prices quoted are valid for the current financial year. In the event of price changes, overnight and day guests will be informed by e-mail. The new prices will only come into force after an implementation period of 3 months. Thereafter, the prices valid on the date of the seminar will be applied.

3. Check-in
9:00 – 12:00 noon and 15:00 pm – 18:00 pm, also applies to day guests (please contact the group organiser if you arrive later)
Room check-in        from 17:00 pm
Vacate room           by 10:00 am on the day of departure

4. Booking by Group organisers
The booking of an seminar is made in writing by returning the offer or contract signed by the group organiser to Stiftung Landguet Ried, Hilfligweg 10, 3172 Niederwangen, either electronically or by post. By signing the contract, the General Terms and Conditions are accepted and the booking becomes binding. Landguet Ried reserves the seminar room/s, the equipment and a room/bed quota for the group.

There are two booking models:

4.1 Booking model "Group booking"
In this model, the group organiser pays all the costs of the agreed services and is responsible for registering the participants. The group organiser books a fixed bed/room quota and/or the daily allowance for day-guests, listed in the offer/contract. Changes to this bed/room quota are only possible in consultation with the landlord. A list of these rooms and beds shall be made available to the group organiser. The group organiser shall complete the list with the details of the participants and return the list to the landlord up to 14 days before the start of the event.

4.2 Booking model "Guest booking"
In this model, the group organiser reserves the seminar rooms, accommodation and meals for the seminar facilitator and defines the framework conditions for the group, while the participants book and pay for their room/bed and meals individually via an online booking form provided by Landguet Ried. The landlord reserves a flexible room/bed quota for the group, consisting of different accommodation categories. These categories are listed in the offer or contract and can change depending on the booking behaviour of the participants.

The pre-reserved room/bed quota remains available for the group organiser's group until 21 days before the event. After that, unreserved rooms/beds will be released and offered to other groups for booking. The group organiser is requested to inform the seminar participants of this regulation and to encourage them to reserve their rooms/beds and meals as early as possible before the start of the seminar.

Seminar participants book their accommodation and meals individually and directly with Landguet Ried. The Landguet Ried reception team will allocate the room reservation in the best possible way based on the wishes of the participants and confirm it in writing within 48 hours. The participants enter into a personal contract with the landlord. The landlord recommends that participants take out travel cancellation insurance. Cancellation costs may vary depending on the time of cancellation.

Double and multi-bed rooms can – depending on availability – also be used as single rooms. In this case, a surcharge of CHF 50.– per night/person will be levied on the price of a double room in the corresponding category.

5. Minimum group size
The minimum group size per seminar is 16 paying overnight guests. Events with a smaller group size are possible on request. Special conditions apply.

6. Minimum duration of seminars
For seminars at weekends 2 days and 2 nights. There is no minimum duration for seminars during the week.

7. Package deals
Seminars include accommodation and three meals per day as an all-inclusive offer. The Landguet Ried Foundation will not make any deductions from the total amount for meals that cannot be consumed due to late arrival or early departure, or for booked accommodation that is not used.

It is not permitted to bring food or drinks for your own meals.

8. Daily flat rate
Our guidelines for retreat- and seminar centres stipulate that seminar participants must stay overnight. Under special circumstances and only in consultation with the landlord, it can be agreed to use our infrastructure as a day guest. In this case, a daily flat rate will be charged.

9. Seminar flat rate
Depending on the agreement with the group organiser, the participants will be charged a seminar fee personally. This flat rate covers the use of the seminar rooms, energy consumption and material usage (e.g. blankets, meditation cushions, seat cushions, yoga mats).

10. Times of use of the seminar rooms
The seminar rooms are available for seminars starting in the evening from 18:00 pm on the day of arrival at the earliest. For seminars starting in the morning, the seminar rooms can be used from 08:00 am on the first day of the seminar at the earliest. Use of the seminar rooms on the day of departure ends at 16:00 pm at the latest. Should these times differ, please contact us in writing in advance.

11. Outdoor facilities and forest        
The use of the outdoor area and the forest is included in the seminar room hire, unless part of the outdoor area or forest has been reserved exclusively by another group.

Activities in the outdoor area must be coordinated with the landlord at least 4 weeks before the date of the seminar. Parallel groups can thus be informed at least 14 days before the seminar in order to avoid possible disruptions.

11.1 Outdoor fireplace
Group Organisers who hold fire rituals on the grounds of Landguet Ried assume responsibility for the safe use of the outdoor fireplace. The group organiser is liable for any damage that may occur in the event of a fire outbreak.

Every outdoor fire must be registered with the Bern Fire Brigade Centre. The group organiser follows the following protocol:

  • When does the fire start? Approximate duration of the fire.

  • One hour before the start of the bonfire, the group organiser must call the following telephone number and inform them of the start and end time: Telephone number: 031 342 88 31 (available 24 hours a day).

  • The group organiser acts responsibly and at his/her own discretion.

11.2 Hunting seasons in the Canton of Bern
The hunting seasons of the Canton of Bern must be observed for all activities in the forest. The group organiser is responsible for independently obtaining the relevant information from the Canton of Bern and following its recommendations.

12. Special use
There is no entitlement to exclusive use of the general rooms and areas. If certain areas such as meadows, outdoor fireplaces or common rooms are to be used exclusively for the seminar, this can be made possible after consultation with the landlord, depending on availability.

13. Seminar management
In order to ensure optimal preparation of the seminar, the landlord will contact the group organiser at least four weeks before the start of the seminar. The room furnishings and technical equipment will be agreed at least 14 days before the start of the seminar. The group organiser will receive a "function sheet" from the landlord, which contains all relevant details on materials, scheduling and special requirements. After consultation, this document can be adapted accordingly and confirmed in writing by the group organiser.

In the event of changes to the room furnishings or equipment at short notice, a lump sum of CHF 100.– will be charged for the first hour from 36 hours before the start of the seminar and CHF 50.– for each additional hour or part thereof.

If paints, play dough, clay, wax, oils, ointments or the like are used during the seminar, the group organiser will ensure that the floor and interior furnishings are properly covered. The group organiser will inform the participants in advance that they should bring their own protective sheets for mats, mattresses etc. (size: 90 cm × 200 cm) and covers for the meditation cushions. Stains are difficult to remove afterwards. The group organiser is liable for any damage and resulting costs caused by incorrect instructions or improper use by the participants.

14. Decorations and furnishings brought along
Decorations and equipment brought along may be used in consultation with the landlord, subject to compliance with fire regulations. All materials brought in must be dismantled and removed immediately after the seminar.

The equipment in the seminar room must be refurbished to its original condition by the group organiser. If additional work is subsequently required to refurbish the seminar room, this will be charged at CHF 50.– per hour of work or part thereof.

No liability can be accepted for material stored by the group organiser on the landlords premises in the event of theft.

15. Lost & found
Items left behind will only be sent if the shipping costs are paid in advance. After 30 days, the lost item becomes the property of the landlord and will be disposed of or utilised.

16. House guidelines
The group organiser undertakes to observe the house guidelins, which are part of the contract, and to inform the participants of them.

  • Smoking and fireworks are strictly prohibited in all rooms and spaces – this also includes firework-like objects such as Bengal candles and/or incense

  • Electronic devices are to be used with taking into consideration that other guests can be disturbed

  • Out of consideration for the other guests, we kindly ask you to keep the night's rest in the entire Landguet Ried and around the seminar house from 22:00 pm to 06:30 am.

  • For reasons of hygiene, allergies and safety, pets are not permitted. With the exception of assistance animals, such as guide dogs.

17. Meal times      

Meals are taken at Landguet Ried at the following times, unless otherwise agreed:

  • Breakfast: 07:30 – 09:00 am

  • Lunch: 12:00 – 14:00 pm

  • Dinner: 18:00 – 20:00 pm

As Landguet Ried often caters for several groups at the same time, meal times are set well in advance in consultation with the group organiser. Last-minute changes of ±15 minutes are possible. Each meal lasts between 45 and 60 minutes.

For organisational reasons, we are dependent on the agreed meal times being adhered to. Changes can only be considered up to 14 days before the start of the seminar.

18. Reservation and payment conditions
The reservation becomes binding for both contracting parties as soon as the contract is signed by the group organiser. In addition to the contract, the transfer of a guarantee amount, stating the reservation number from the contract/offer, to the account of the landlord is due. The guarantee amount is usually determined on the basis of the group size as follows:

0 – 16      CHF 500.–
17 – 24    CHF 1 000.–
25 – 49    CHF 2 000.–
50 – 69    CHF 3 000.–
70 and more CHF 5 000.–

After the seminar has taken place and all costs have been paid, any remaining amount will be refunded or invoiced.

19. Payment modalities       

  • Cash in Swiss Francs CHF

  • Domestic payment

  • Payment abroad

  • EU transfer

  • SEPA transfer

  • Debit and credit cards, excluding American Express

All payments (including foreign payments) are due in Swiss francs (CHF). Any fees incurred shall be borne by the remitter. The reservation number to which the payment relates must be stated in the subject line of the transfer.

The total amount of the reservation for overnight and day guests must be paid in full on the day of arrival at the latest.

 20. Cancellation policy for group organisers    

In the event of cancellation of the booked seminar by the group organiser, Landguet Ried expects written notification. Depending on the time of cancellation, the following costs will be incurred:

Up to 180 days before the start of the seminar:                CHF 200 processing fee
179 to 90 days before the start of the seminar:                 10% of the booked service
89 to 31 days before the start of the seminar:                  30% of the booked service
30 to 8 days before the start of the seminar:                    60% of the booked service
7 to 0 days before the start of the seminar:                    80% of the booked service

In the case of the "guest booking" model, the cancellation costs are calculated on the basis of the price for a standard double room with shared shower: Group size x number of nights with full board + rent for seminar room(s) and, if applicable, rental material from third-party providers.

With the "group reservation" model, the actual room category is used as the basis for calculation.

If the reserved rooms can be reallocated, the cancellation costs will be reduced accordingly.

21. Reduction of the group size
The group size specified in the contract is binding. If the group size is reduced by more than 10% or if the seminar is cancelled altogether, the cancellation conditions listed under point 20. shall apply.

If the size of the group differs from the size agreed in the contract/offer, the landlord reserves the right to allocate a seminar room appropriate to the size of the group.

22. Cancellation of the contract by the landlord (Landguet Ried Foundation)
The landlord may withdraw from the contract for objectively justified reasons by immediate written declaration. Objectively justified reasons are in particular

  • Failure to make the advance payment or provide financial security within the period set by the landlord

  • Force majeure or other unforeseeable circumstances that make fulfilment of the contract impossible

  • Suspicion that the utilisation of the agreed services could impair the operation or reputation of Landguet Ried

  • Insolvency of the group organiser or the participants

  • Unlawful purpose of the stay

  • In the event of cancellation by the landlord for the above-mentioned reasons, the group organiser shall not be entitled to any compensation.

23. Cancellation or postponement of seminars organised by the Landguet Ried Foundation
For seminars organised by the Landguet Ried Foundation, there is a fixed minimum and maximum number of participants. If too few participants register, a facilitator falls ill or other unforeseeable circumstances arise, the Landguet Ried Foundation reserves the right to cancel or postpone the event.

The Landguet Ried will offer alternative dates with an equivalent offer; no further claims can be made against the Landguet Ried. Event fees already paid will be refunded in full in the event of cancellation.

If the seminar is postponed, the registered person has the right to withdraw from the contract in writing within 10 days of receiving notification. In this case, cancellation is free of charge and the seminar fee paid will be refunded. Further claims for compensation are excluded. After 10 days, the normal cancellation fees for Landguet Ried events (see sections 24. and 25.) apply.

24. Cancellation fees for overnight and day guests
Up to 8 days before arrival   CHF 50.– processing fee per event
from 7 days before arrival    50% of the booked service per event
from 2 days before arrival    100% of the booked service per event

A cancellation fee of at least CHF 50.– per event/person applies for overnight and day guests. Rebookings will be charged at cost, max. CHF 50.–

The costs will be charged in any case, even if the seminar is cancelled by the group organiser(s). We recommend that participants take out a cancellation insurance.

25. Cancellation fees for seminars organised by the Landguet Ried Foundation
Up to 31 days before the seminar CHF 20 processing fee per participant for events

30 – 22 days before the seminar 15% of the seminar/registration fee
21 – 15 days before the seminar 25% of the seminar/registration fee
14 – 7 days before the seminar      50% of the seminar/registration fee
6 – 4 days before the seminar        70% of the seminar/registration fee
3 – 0 days before the seminar        100% of the seminar/registration fee

The cancellation fees per event/person apply to overnight and day guests. Rebooking fees will be charged at a maximum of CHF 50 per event/person. We recommend taking out cancellation insurance.

26. Liability for damages
Responsibility for the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the participants during their stay at Landguet Ried lies with the group organiser or the participants themselves.

The landlord accepts no liability for material brought to the seminar or for lost or damaged items.

The group organiser is fully liable for any damage caused and the resulting costs to the premises, outdoor facilities, inventory of the landlord or rented material from third-party providers, without proof of fault being required. This also includes costs for false alarms triggered by the fire alarm system.

27. Caim for damages
If, for any reason, the Landguet Ried Foundation is unable to fulfil the contractual agreements, both parties are entitled to withdraw from the contract. In this case, the landlord will refund the guarantee amount paid. Further liability for any claims for damages by the group organiser and/or facilitator shall not apply.

28. Insurance cover
Appropriate insurance cover for liability, illness and accidents is the responsibility of the group organiser and participants.

Should there be any complaints or financial claims due to dissatisfaction, we ask the group organiser or the guests to contact the reception team or the responsible person in the seminar management or the managing director immediately. Claims made after leaving the venue can no longer be asserted.

30. Place of Jurisdiction
Regionalgericht Bern Mittelland (Regional Court of Bern Mittelland)