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  • Landguet Ried, Center for mindful living 10 Hilfligweg Niederwangen bei Bern, BE, 3172 Switzerland (Karte)

Embodiment Year

Open to graduates of the Mindfulness and Compassion Years (or with permission from the instructor), the Embodiment Year offers an advanced in-depth study and practice of the transformational depth-psychology, embodiment practice and altruistic ethics of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, along two parallel yet linked practical application tracks.*

The Embodied Psychotherapy track integrates embodied contemplative science and practice with contemporary self-psychology, depth-psychology, internal family systems, somatic, and trauma therapies. The Embodied Psychosocial Change track integrates embodied contemplative science and practice with social work, decolonizing education, social justice work, community organizing, non-profit and humanitarian aid work, climate justice and political activism. Areas of study include:

  • Transforming the unconscious mind and central nervous system for embodied compassion and altruistic engagement

  • The neuropsychology of transformational affects, autonomic regulation, and flow states

  • Embodied practice of role-modeling imagery for self-transformation and community building

  • Embodied breath-work and open flow awareness practices for healing the somatic dimensions of trauma, and for internalized racial, gender and other social trauma

  • Meditation practicum: instruction with Dr. Nida Chenagtsang and core faculty

 *The Blended Learning format of this course involves a fusion of both tracks

Blended Learning

Consists of 15 bi-weekly live online classes that include practice and discussion with core faculty members. Outside of class students watch 30 recorded lectures from guest faculty, have reading assignments and maintain a daily meditation practice. Students are also expected to lead a group meditation and submit a capstone project at the end of the course. A certificate of completion is awarded to those that complete all of the course requirements.

Embodiment Year Retreat

Opening Retreat, 8 – 10 September 2023
The year begins with an opening retreat which introduces the neuropsychological framework and transformational methods of embodied contemplative practice, exploring how this profound methodology can help catalyze and accelerate the transformation of trauma into psychosocial wellbeing at the individual, interpersonal, institutional and societal levels. Dr. Nida Chenagtsang will co-guide the opening retreat.

Intersession Retreat, 23 – 25 February 2024
There is an in-person retreat led by Drs. Joe Loizzo, Diego Hangartner and invited faculty that will explore how the top-down transformational methods of embodied contemplative practice—vision and affirmation—dovetail with the bottom-up methods of breath-work and movement to complete the embodied transformation of trauma into psychosocial wellbeing at the individual, interpersonal, institutional and societal levels.

Program Schedule

Opening Retreat: September 8 – 10 2023

Intersession Retreat: February 23 – 25 2024

Bi-weekly Class: Tuesdays, 18:00 – 19:30pm CET

Students gather bi-weekly on Tuesdays for a live online video conference that may include meditation, a review of previously watched recorded lectures, whole group discussion and small group breakouts, led by our core or visiting faculty. These conferences are facilitated by Joe Loizzo, Diego Hangartner and CPP Director Rahshaana Green.

Extracurricular Offerings

  • Optional weekly practice field, peer-led meditation and group sharing

  • Optional weekly process field, peer-led study and discussion group 

  • Office hours with Program Director, Rahshaana Green and Diego Hangartner

  • Monthly group supervision with Dr. Joe Loizzo

Learning Objectives for fall retreat

At the end of the program, participants will be better able to

  • Describe the nature and role of the mentoring bond in the Unexcelled Yoga Tantras

  • Describe the nature and impact of the creation stage in the Unexcelled Yoga Tantras

  • Describe the nature and impact of the perfection stage in the Unexcelled Yoga Tantras

  • Describe the nature and uses of the subtle body map of the mind and central nervous system

  • Describe the role-modeling practice of mentor-archetype yoga

  • Describe the nature and practice of the body mandala

  • Describe the practice of Nejang self-massage yoga and Tsalung breath-control yoga

  • Describe the practice and impact of vase breathing

  • Describe the logic and practice of inner fire yoga

  • Describe the practice of dissolution into the clear light

  • Describe the practice of emergence into the dreamlike embodiment

  • Describe the great perfection/mahamudra/ati-yoga practice of integrating clear light and dreamlike embodiment

Joe Loizzo, founder and director of the Nalanda Institute, psychotherapist and Buddhist scholar talks about the benefits and transformative power of integrating traditional psychotherapy with Buddhist practices and training in Contemplative Psychotherapy.


Joe Loizzo, MD, PhD ist ein in Harvard ausgebildeter Contemplative Psychotherapeut, buddhistischer Gelehrter und Autor mit mehr als vier Jahrzehnten Erfahrung in der Integration von indo-tibetischer Geisteswissenschaft und Heilkunst in moderne Neuropsychologie, Psychotherapie und klinische Forschung. Er ist Gründer und Leiter des Nalanda Instituts, Assistenzprofessor für Psychiatrie am Weill Cornell Medical College und Praktizierender Therapeut mit privater Praxis in Manhattan. Joe ist der Autor zahlreicher wissenschaftlicher Fachartikel über kontemplative Neuropsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Er ist der Autor des umfassenden Lehrbuchs Sustainable Happiness: The Mind Science Of Well-Being, Altruism, and Inspiration. Er ist leitender Herausgeber von Advances in Contemplative Psychotherapy: Accelerating Healing and Transformation, einer bahnbrechenden Sammlung von Artikeln von Vorreitern des aufstrebenden und vielversprechenden neuen Gebietes der kontemplativen Psychotherapie.

Dr. Nida Chenagtsang was born in Amdo, in Eastern Tibet, and studied Tibetan Medicine at Lhasa Tibetan Medical University. His extensive research, publication and teaching on the spiritual healthcare system of Tibetan Medicine, the Yuthog Nyinthig Vajrayana tradition, has sparked a revival of interest in its rigorous contemplative approach to embodied mental and spiritual well-being. Dr. Nida is the Co-Founder and Medical Director of Sorig Khang International and Co-Founder of the International Ngakmang Institute, established to preserve and maintain the Rebkong Ngakpa yogic culture within modern Tibetan society. Fluent in English and now living in Rome, Dr. Nida trains students in Sowa Rigpa and the Yuthok Nyingthig spiritual tradition in over 40 countries around the world.

Pilar Jennings, PhD ist Psychoanalytikerin, die sich auf die klinischen Anwendungen buddhistischer Meditation konzentriert und seit 2004 mit Patienten und deren Familien über das Harlem Family Institute arbeitet. Sie erhielt ihren Doktortitel in Psychiatrie und Religion vom Union Theological Seminary, einen Master in medizinischer Anthropologie von der Columbia University und einen Bachelor in interdisziplinärem Schreiben vom Barnard College der Columbia University. Dr. Jennings ist die Autorin von Mixing Minds: The Power of Relationship in Psychoanalysis and Buddhism und Heal a Wounded Heart: The Transformative Power of Buddhism and Psychotherapy in Action. Derzeit ist sie Forscherin am Columbia University Center for Study of Science and Religion und Co-Vorsitzende des Columbia Faculty Seminar on the Memory and Savery, wo sie die intergenerative Weitergabe von Traumata erforscht.


Rahshaana Green, MBA, PMP, RYT ist Co-Direktorin des Contemplative Psychotherapy Program in New York City und in der Schweiz; und sie ist die Verantwortliche für Equity and Strategic Partnerships. Sie ist Coach und Unternehmensberaterin mit Expertise in Business Development, Marketing und Strategie im Gesundheitswesen und in der Wissenschaft. Sie ist zudem Yoga- und Meditationslehrerin, die sich auf die Arbeit mit körperlich verletzten, alternden und perinatalen Klienten spezialisiert hat. Green erhielt ihren BA in Biochemie vom Dartmouth College, ihren MBA von der University of Texas-Austin und ihr grundlegendes Yoga-Training bei Ana Forrest. Sie lehrt Achtsamkeit und Mitgefühl durch Meditation und Yoga für Unternehmens-, Gruppen- und Privatkunden. Rahshaana Green setzt sich leidenschaftlich dafür ein, andere zu befähigen, Well-Being und Resilienz zu kultivieren.